Invisalign Tray 17 (Update #10)

I put in my new trays today (12.31.2014)

I had tray 16 off the whole day yesterday since I was sick and puking every half an hour...and this morning I put them back in for about 2 hours and realized that it's been long overdue that I had to switch my trays so I put my tray 17 in.

UPDATE (01.02.2014)
Sooo much pain in my mouth....Anyways it'll go away with time!

I feel a tooth growing on my left side (pretty sure it's a wisdom tooth) and I'm wondering if I have to pay more to take another molding or even just figure out what needs to be done...ah I'm honestly just a bit worried but I shall update you since my next appointment is February 4th~

Here's a picture of my new trays in (without rubber bands). 



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