I found out the "brother" and his fiancee or wife are now pregnant. PREGNANT!
We already called the nurse for her to contact the social worker. And when the brother found out he suddenly wants to take the dad to the hospital to rehab to "better" the house. Meanwhile we all know that it's because he feels threatened that his source of income is going to be put in a better place where he'll actually be taken care of.
If the baby is born before all this is done, I can't do much more than to report them myself. I am definitely not babysitting their child just like they've left us with three dogs to watch after. NO THANK YOU. Anyways all we want to do is move on with our lives. we've been stuck in this cycle for the past seven years where it's constant bullshit and nothing ever seems to go our way...
But once again, here's to hoping for a positive change in our lives together!
Story of My Life (Part Two) - dont worry it's very short!
We decided we'd ask the "father" what he thought about this 20 year old being pregnant. Guess what? He welcomes it! So the next question was how he feels about having to babysit the child and basically pay for the child and he said "It's not called babysitting, it's called raising your granddaughter". I shook my head. He can't even raise his own children not to mention look after a mentally challenged teenager who is practically considered a baby. This guys brought home three dogs that destroy the house, leaving them here 24/7 without caring for them while him and his fiancée are "working" meanwhile they bring no financial help home with them and yet they take money from this "father" who gets his money from my boyfriend's mentally challenged little brother. These two (the adopted "brother" and his fiancée) can't even take care of their dogs yet they expect to raise a child? If my boyfriend's little brother were to be put in a 24/7 care facility, this house would crash and burn, these money hogging assholes can finally rot and hit rock bottom just like they've made us do. For seven years we've stopped our lives to take care of this house, when it was just us alone in this house with the "father" in the hospital, we made the house absolutely spotless, all the bills were paid, and the fridge and pantry were absolutely jam packed with food! And now? There's barely anything edible in this house. All the money disappears, my boyfriend and I can't even go food shopping for the house because there's no money in the account!
Ugh, I just wish all this shit would stop. Honestly, she's not ready for a child and neither is he. They neglect their fur babies but they expect to be able to take care of a child? They mooch off of a mentally disabled child and it's honestly the most sickening thing. Mind you, they've only been together for at most 7 months. Engaged and pregnant already. And she's my age.
That's it for now, I should start vlogging, my life is so jam packed with drama that if it was a reality show, the whole world wouldn't want to stop watching.
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