Helllooo~ It's Me (with an update).

Hey y'all! I'm back again.

Summer is coming to an end and I start school in exactly 10 days! Not too excited but at the same time I'm extremely excited. I start student teaching this semester which will give me a bigger taste of what my future will be like. This year will be my last year as an undergrad which is bittersweet because that means I'm one step closer to adult-life (as if I havent already started adulting). But seriously, I'm so excited to finally almost be done so I can have my own little Jedis (kiddies if you didnt get my Star Wars reference) in my classroom.

This summer I've had the time to reflect and refresh myself. I focused on spending time with my family and Joey. It was quite possibly one of the best summers I've had in a while. I took the time to really appreciate the company of my family (which is never easy in my household).


The point of this post was to announce that I will attempt to be a little more active on this blog. I already have three posts scheduled. I apologize if the posts seem a little outdated, it's because they are. They were saved as drafts lightyears ago and I finally took the time to edit and schedule them to be posted. I'm going to keep working on posts so that I can push more of them out there while I'm
going to be stuck with loads of course work as well as Student-teaching work.

Wish me luck as I am one step closer to finishing college and one step closer to becoming a teacher!

P.S. The next three posts are the ones I drafted before I went on my hiatus. So after that they'll be fresh posts! 



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