Life Update : Rant Edition (as always)

Long time no talk! Hope you all are doing well. I haven't written a blog post in MONTHS it literally feels like years! Anyways lets get down to it because I really need to get things off my chest~

So here's the run down...

  •    My life hasn't gotten much better (in terms of my "future" in-law) 
    • It may sound harsh for me to say something like this but I cannot believe that he's still alive. With all the binge drinking and everything it's only a miracle he's still alive. Anyways, long story short - as we all know - his alcoholic ways are never going to change. No matter how much Joey begs, and cries for him to stop, it won't work. He thinks that we're selfish. Us. The people who are practically his slaves that have to drop our whole lives for him. It's gotten to the point where whenever I'm over at his house, I pretend not to be there because I don't even want to see him or have him drag me down in the sense of my life. He's so manipulative (he's literally like an evil step-mother but in a 300lb. alcoholic man's body). He's been in the hospital more times than the hairs on my head. And when he's in the hospital, Joey and I run the house like how it's supposed to be run and it actually looks like a house, it actually smells like a house. When he's in the hospital, I often cook, clean and make the house look like a functioning house. When he's not in the hospital, I stay in my own bubble. He makes the house smell like piss and acohol. I stopped cooking for him (I used to cook for everyone even when he wasn't in the hospital) because he'd always judge my cooking saying that it's too dry, tasteless, and just weird because he's never had an Asian flare to food. Anyways life is just miserable with him in it, and as harsh as it sounds, Joey and I are just keeping our fingers crossed that this 68 year old 300lb. baby will finally leave us alone and let us live our lives. He always calls us selfish for doing homework, going to school, and going to work. He doesn't realize that what he's doing is making us stop our lives and halt the paths to our future for him, someone who has practically lived his life... 
    • I've decided to try and put myself in control of my own happiness. (Hasn't been working but I am not giving up)
  • I'm one step closer to dream of being a teacher!
    • I got accepted into the EECE Professional Sequence at Queens College
    • One year closer to graduating LOL (if you don't know I have to stay an extra year because of the professional sequence)
  • I'm almost done with my Fall 2015 Semester
    • As you can probably tell by my bulletpointing~ I can't wait for this semester to be over.
    • Even though this semester went by a little quick (emphasis on "a little") I enjoyed it all thanks to my friend Danielle. 
  • I started doing planner things
    • I have a HP (Happy Planner) from MAMBI
    • I'm obsessed although I have not planned last week or this week (DUE TO FINAL'S WEEK) 
  • My puppy is now a big spoiled princess
  • I want to start vlogging (or just doing videos, or maybe both)
  • I want to start blogging again!

Anyways, I think I've just been feeling so down about life lately. I've been feeling more and more self-concious and depressed. I've gained so much weight over the pass couple of years that it's driving me insane. So hopefully I can drop 40lbs soon. I only wish it were as easy as gaining it... 

I'm just going to end this post here before it gets any more depressing...
Thanks for stopping by and as always if you have questions or comments leave them down below! And if you're feeling sad or down, I'm always here to talk! Hope you have a good one and hopefully I'll talk to you soon!



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